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WebAssembly and IoT

WebAssembly and IoT

WebAssembly and IoT

According to a recent survey commissioned by the Linux Foundation, IoT applications were the third most popular “use case” for WebAssembly (behind the web and data visualisation). WebAssembly, or more specifically the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) offers an alternative to virtualisation and containerisation as a way to compartmentalise multiple applications running on shared hardware, and is viewed by many in the field as a potential mechanism to support edge processing for the Internet of Things on hetergeneous hardware.

There is a long history of platform-agnostic software (The Java Virtual Machine, the Erlang runtime system, Pascal’s p-code and more). We await with interest to see whether WASM/WAPI will realise its potential to be the target of choice for IoT data manipulation and processing.

The RIoT OS is one of the many choices of operating system available for the kinds of embedded processors used in IoT devices.

In announcing the release of v2023.01, the development team notes that this is the tenth anniversary of RIoT. This is an impressive example of longevity in the fast moving world of IoT.